I no longer have an excuse for getting frustrated with the corrections of punctuation errors in my papers. Although, I am pretty sure this doesn't run through very many people's heads when they write or type a question mark...
"I just had a thought: punctuation marks exist in the written word and in life.-Jon Foreman
commas, periods... exclamation points! They divide our existence into discrete
moments, allowing us to catch our breath before we begin the next sentence,
helping us better understand our time here on earth. In life, the question marks are sometimes the hardest to understand, the most frightening. They leave
so much to the imagination, what happens next? Yet, question marks are good for
the soul. They reveal where our hopes are, what we fear, who or what we trust.
So much of what we hold on to in this life is a mirage. Job security, financial
stability, prestige, power, relationships: these are as unsure as our lives
themselves. Sometimes the best thing to do during a time of questioning is to
let the questions dig deep into our soul. Who are we? What are we living for?
I’m a hopeful questioner myself… "
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