Monday, November 5, 2007

Cat Hero(es)

This story is not your classic cat got stuck in a tree and we called the fire department story folks.I know you all know about the whole rescuing of the cat thing but I'm putting it up here for reference. Plus I haven't posted in over a week and it is a pretty cool story. Yes, I admit it, I am bragging. I saved a cat last week. That is correct, I saved a cat from it's fate of a peril from starvation. That would be me ladies and gents, your class cat hero. Not actually by myself, the entire class was kinda the hero. Although Mrs. Himes gets credit for luring it out with a piece of lunchmeat though. That was brilliance.

Now I shall tell the story of how I, along with our 4th period class saved the cat who sadly remains nameless although I have heard it was called Jack, cow, spotty (I'm sure some freshman thought that one up, just joking), the actual name "cat", and plenty other ridiculous variations along with"go-yahng-e'" which I think is cat in Korean. Anyway, whatever the cat's name is, he decided it would be a great idea to go underneath the drama building...during construction. While Jack-cow-spotty-go yahng e-cat was underneath the building, construction finished and the black and white spotted cat was therefore left stuck under the building.

The fact that I found him was kind of a freak thing to start with. I had to finish an assignment and Mrs. Himes kindly let me take a trip to the library which I never do. On my way back, I heard meowing. I thought to myself two things. The first being, "Wow, drama is getting really good with their vocal excercises," and the second being "I know the drama people are known to be a little quirky (just kidding Megan!) but meowing is a little creepy." It finally dawned on me thatn it was certainly not drama but in fact Jack-cow-spotty-go yahng e-cat stuck under the building, The only limb of the cat I could see was the cats hand clawing at the ground

Once I stood in shock for a little while, I had to make the choice if I would save the school cat or not. I previously had a grudge for the cat who, when making his almost daily trips into the classroom, walked by me in favor of Andy. I finally decided to save him and ran into Mrs. Hime's room. She, along with the rest of the curious class ran out of the classroom to help.

After digging a trench and coaxing the cat out on our hands and knees with lunchmeat, we made our way back to class. There I was rewarded with starburst candy and resumed class work. Not 10 minutes later the cat came in (to what I believe) to thank the class, and it's cat heroes. Now Mrs. Hime's 4th period Honors American Literature class is definitely way cooler than any super hero!

1 amazing comments:

Alexis Beattie said...