Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Threads of Stars

Stars are stitched forever in the night sky
Each night by on by

Impossible to extinguish
These brilliant flames shine bright

Never turning a blind eye
To the distressed cry

Of sorrow filled heart
Brilliant memories they impart

To the weeping and broken
They are unfeasible to forget

They dazzle and shine bright
Through the darkness of the sky
They are free of suffering and pain
Only with their ending this they could obtain

Every soul once gone from earth
Shines in the heavens as a new birth

The ebony of the night makes my heart drop
Only if the hopelessness could stop

The stars are now able to give a new light
A new hope in the sorrowful sky they ignite

Hopelessness is the absence of the light
An absence I struggled with all my might

This absence that burned like a hole
Embedded in the pocket of my soul

But now my soul is flooded with memories of love
When I lift my eyes above

For looking up I again see the optimism strong
I dreamed for so long

The pain and sudden qualms
Are healed by the memories of my beloved star

My star once shining beside me on earth
Remain in the sky to girth

In the solemn quietness of night
When my lonely thoughts roam free

Comes the hope that what I miss is in the stars
Shining bright to give me hope

Symbol of Star
Personification (and later metaphor) of the Star
Rhyme Scheme

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